Creed Movie Review

Rocky Balboa was supposed to be "The Last Rocky Movie." Then again, so was Rocky V, Rocky II and Rocky, so screw it let's make another. Except it's not another Rocky movie, no no no this is a new series entirely, Creed, starring Michael B Jordan as the son of the deceased former heavyweight champion of the world. Of course this means no one think

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Starship Troopers 3 Movie Review

The third and final live action Starship Troopers movie, Marauder sought to bring the series back from the dark, dark low budget hell of Hero of the Federation. How'd they do? Well.. they got 2 million more dollars and also went straight to DVD. (blog post) However, they managed to prove (blog post) why a low budget and DVD release are no excuse

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Top 10 Xenomorph Kills Movie Review

As Prometheus is right around the corner, I take a look back at the 6 films that showcase the titular Alien, known as the Xenomorph. One thing they all do very well, is kill. funny horror movies A lot. And with that in mind, I present to you my list of the top 10 Xenomorph kills. What made the cut, and what just didn't (blog post) hold up to scru

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